The network
The future in a constantly changing Europe must develop with the supporters of social institutions and cannot only be striven for on the political side. A network of European social partners who jointly design new structures is essential.
SoCareNet enables you to easily contact European institutions in the field of social and health economics, supports you in the search for possible project partners at European level and acts as a cooperation exchange.
SoCareNet also acts as a mediator and companion in the field of education, training and further education of nursing staff. The possibility of sending employees abroad will play a major role in personnel development in the future.
Other central topics of SoCareNet are the exchange of experiences, the organization of an annual specialist conference and individual advice.
Goal setting
Our aim is to promote an active exchange of experience between international social work companies and to support new collaborations.
Diakoneo KdöR as a managing member
With over 10,000 employees and over 200 facilities, the Diakoneo is the largest diaconal organization in southern Germany.
As a modern diaconal company, Diakoneo runs numerous facilities for people with disabilities, hospitals, kindergartens and schools, a university with a research institute, senior facilities, competence centers as well as conference and guest houses at locations throughout southern Germany and in other European countries.